Thanks Wii Fit.
Wii Fit was able to motivate me in ways that my real life simply couldn't. Nothing makes you feel so ashamed, or hurt, then stepping on the board and instead of seeing a number, you simply see the word, "obese." That stings. You start to realize just how unhealthy you are, you realize all of the junk food you've eaten has stayed with you. You learn just how bad off your health really is.
But don't worry-Wii Fit is there for you. You start of metting the balance board on screen, your virtual guide through this entire process. Then, you get to meet your trainer who has no name. I decided that I would name the male Bob, and the female Tina. They were easy to remember so I knew who to curse when I was angry.
The game is seperated into 4 distinct categories, Yoga, Strength Training, Aerobics and then Balance games for fun. The first three categories are essential to the game, while the Balance games allow for a short rest period inbetween workouts and exercises.
Yoga is an amazing little gem in this game. Having the tranquility and guidance needed to perform yoga was very relaxing. I could feel my body stretching. I could feel the negative energy leaving. I felt at peace with myself. This was not the most physical of the activities, but was definately the most rewarding mentally.
Strength Training was definately the one that hurt me the most. Who knew there was so many different exercises that could strengthen up different parts of the body? Lord knows I didn't. This is the section that made you feel tired and hurt the next morning. This is where you realize that losing all of that weight will not be easy by any means. You have to pick up your socks and start working hard, this is where it makes a difference.
Aerobics is actually fun as well, and gives the user a pretty good workout. Running, jumping, and more are all present and make the user move their body. This is very important, as it encourages the user to be active outside of the game as well. Running in the game has convinced me to start running in real life, which I will be starting when all of this snow melts. I enjoyed this section the most.
Balance games become really competitive, earning that high score is an honour that should not be taken lightly. Everyone wants a piece of that scoreboard and they're going to have to earn it. from dodging soccer balls to snowboarding down the slopes, the balance games cover it all.
Wii Fit also gives you tips and tricks. Like eating a banana before working out, I guess it gives me more energy. These tips are unique and interesting and can add up to real differences in your life. It gives you encouragement and scolds you for going off of your strict regime.
The most influential part of the entire game is that you weigh-in and it tells you how you are doing. All without pounds. It can tell you your BMI score, Body Mass Index (Mass relative to body size). It basically lets you know if you're overweight. but not having to see the pounds (Rather, they were an option) was nice, I didn't have to focus on losing X pounds for X period of time. Instead, I could focus on going from "obese" to "overweight."
The game lets you set goals and tries to help you accomplish them. It will let you know if they are reasonable or not. If not, you can easily change them for something more attainable.
But what the game does for you, something much more important, is that it doesn't judge you. It allows you to become healthy at your own pace. It sincerely motivates you, you start to look at what you eat and wonder if its healthy. You walk the stairs instead of the elevator. You change your life. The game changes your world around you.
By combining all of this together, the game is able to effectively help you change your life if you let it. You can become a better, healthier person.
Thanks Wii Fit.
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